It has been observed in India that students gets admitted to courses like BDS, BAMS, BHMS etc. As they couldn’t qualify NEET examination even though their dream career was to become an allopathic doctor Unfortunately since a decade such medical graduates are unlucky to be placed with good salary anywhere and they are forced to move for other jobs.

Through a credit transfer and alternate channel of ECFMG medical stream such graduates can now get their prestigious USMD from US and the pathways are as follows.

Credit Pathway to get USMD for BDS, BAMS, BHMS graduates

General Requirements

  • Plus two Bio sciences:
    The candidate should have completed their Plus two in India / Abroad in PCB stream with a minimum of 90% marks (CBSE/ ICSE / IGCSE students will get 10% weightage)
    All candidates should clear IELTS with a minimum of 6.5 Band.
  • Legal Verifications:
    All candidates should successfully go through the legal verification process.
  • Associate Post Graduate Degree from CANADA
    This is a two year (4 semester) residential programme in a public and reputed University in CANADA with necessary training back up from US to transfer eligible credits of their previous study in India (90Credits) and the students will stay back in Canada till they get PR and meantime their second stage of education starts from a medical school affiliated to US medical university.
    After successful completion of Pre- Med, the candidate moves to US and continue their Basic science programme which is estimated to complete in 5 semesters. A part of this programme gets started while then candidate is in Canada.
    The theory part of the programmes gets completed with basic science and then the candidate moves to clinical rotations for almost 6 semesters (Approximately 15 departments). Meantime their will be trained in USMLE step 1, Step 2 and step 3.

    On successful passing of USMLE 3 steps the candidate will become eligible to work as junior doctor with a monthly salary of $5000 to 10,000 and also will join for 2 years matching programme. This matching program will lead the candidate to get US residency (USMD) and become an independent Doctor.

    The USMD holders can practice anywhere in the world without any examination.
    The matching program which is estimated to complete in 2 years under a senior Physician will lead th candidate to get US residency ( USMD) and become an independent Doctor.

    The USMD holders can practice anywhere in the world with out any examination.

    The USMD holders can practice anywhere in the world without any examination.
    All the candidates undergoing this programme gets CANADIAN PR and US citizenship. All expenditure for their education in the United states will be met from interest free loan from Canadian Banks.